Cindy and I have completed Wood Badge Training and we are now working on our "Tickets" (Goals/tasks). It was a trying and busy 6 days. The training was on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday two weeks in a row. It was packed with information and requirements. We even had to sleep on the ground in tent the last two nights. At 45 the body was very upset, and let me know about it.
There are companys that send their employees to the Scouting Wood Badge Course because it is such great Leadership training. We went because we wanted to do Scouting better. Cindy has been a great Den Leader. She has earned her Adult On My Honor Award and thoroughly enjoyed helping the Boys. I'm still working on my award. Don't tell my wife but I plan on submitting her name in for the Silver Beaver award.
We sang a song up there I remember the family singing at family reunions and camping. It was called the "Quartermaster store" song.
The chorus was "My eyes are dim I cannot see, I have not got my specks with me." How many of you remember the family singing it. It is an old Scout song That Grandma and Grandpa modified for our reunions and camping. All the scouting they did that must be where they got it from. If you would like a copy of the scout song I can send it to you. E-mail me at and I will send it.
Should you wonder, I'm with the Owl Patrol and Cindy is with the Eagles Patrol. All Wood Badge courses use the same 8 animals for their patrols. It would be fun to find out how many of the family have completed a Wod Badge Course and what Patrol you are with. Amazingly there are website dedicated to each of these patrols and there is a Wood Badge Association which participants can join. It is very much like a faternal order. If you want to know more let me know and I would love to help you go to Wood Badge training.
It was great and we love ya. Scott and Cindy Christensen SLC, Ut.